Supplementation For Mares Throughout The Breeding Season

It is that time of the year – it is the breeding season! The mare has a vary of nutritional requirements throughout the breeding cycle so read our latest blog to help your mare throughout the breeding season.

NutriScience Supplementation for Mares

A balanced approach to feeding and supplementation needs to be a priority to ensure a healthy mare both pre- and post-foaling. The mare will have a vary of nutritional requirements throughout the breeding cycle and achieving the balance is decided by the condition of the mare and her due date for foaling.

Forage Intake

In-foal mares need to have access to high quality forage and be fed on an ad-lib basis. It is advised to strive to maximise forage intake to ensure the fibre and starch requirements in the diet are met. It is also important to note that, in winter, horses require more forage as they use the energy to keep warm in the cold weather.

Concentrate Feed

Throughout the breeding cycle, the mare requires a variety of nutrients that may not be met through the feeding of forage alone. Therefore, a concentrated feed is needed to ensure these nutrient requirements are met. The developing foetus also increases the need for protein, vitamins and micronutrients. It is best to consult an equine nutritionist who can tailor a balanced feeding regime to individual requirements.

Gut Health

A healthy gut ensures that nutrients can be digested efficiently so as to maximise intake and utilisation. This is vital for the in-foal mare as she need to achieve maximum nutrient absorbation for herself and the developing foetus. A live yeast supplement is the ideal way to achieve gut health. The yeast optimises fibre digestibility, which helps to reduce concentrated feed requirements, and results in more efficient use of vitamins and minerals. This is especially important for pregnant mares as they require maximum use of micronutrients such as phosphorus, iron and zinc to name a few. Gut microbiome are central to a heathy immune system, which is vital throughout the breeding cycle. The inclusion of the prebiotic Mannanoligosaccharide (MOS) supports the immune system of the in-foal mare. It has been proven that MOS improves the antibody concentrations in colostrum (IgG levels).  Therefore, is it essential to include supplementation for gut health in pregnant mares.


Equine Gold is the ideal nutritional supplement for mares as it contains pre and probiotics. Equine Gold is a live yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) formulation that also includes MOS to ensure healthy gut microbiome. The formulation of Equine Gold supports the digestive system as well as strengthens the immune system – it is the ideal supplement for the pregnant mare to ensure all her supplement needs are met and to contribute to a heathy mare and, in time, foal.

For more information, please call 051 304010 or contact us here.