TurboLyte Gel
TurboLyte Gel replaces electrolytes and energy immediately after performance. TurboLyte also supplies easily-absorbed carbohydrate so for an easy & effective way to replenish electrolytes, use TurboLyte Gel.
€16.00 – €49.50

Additional Product Info
TurboLyte Gel Greyhound Supplement replaces electrolytes and energy immediately after exertion due to training or racing. It matches the mineral and electrolyte profile excreted by the performance dog during exercise, training, hot conditions and stress. TurboLyte replenishes these electrolytes and supplies easily-absorbed carbohydrate. For an easy & effective way to replenish electrolytes, use TurboLyte Gel.
TurboLyte Gel contains electrolytes Sodium Chloride and potassium and is rich in Calcium and Magnesium which are essential minerals to ensure normal cellular activity and muscle function. The product replenishes these electrolytes along with easily absorbable carbohydrates to prevent nervousness, cramping and dehydration.
TurboLyte Gel replaces electrolytes and energy immediately after performance.
Sodium Acetate
Potassium Chloride
Propylene Glycol
Magnesium Chloride
Calcium Chloride, Sodium Chloride
Fill the syringe supplied to 12ml per day for training
Give post strenuous exercise/event
Can be given by oral dose syringe or added to drinking water
- 250ml bottle
- 1 litre bottle.
250ml bottle comes with an oral dosage syringe for easy dosing
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